After viewing some AMAZING/HUMBLING/MAKE ME WISH I NEVER PICKED UP A CAMERA prints from a handful of masters at the Andrew Smith Gallery in Santa Fe, I can say (I've since regained the ability to speak and be seen in public after the experience) that a number of these guys/gals signed the mattes. Perhaps the logic goes as follows: What's more important, the print or your name on it?
On an aside, as related to signing prints, has any celebrated photographer ever burned their signature into a print (ie, made a stencil for use with an enlarger)... i've seen plenty of digiprints with the like, always thought it was kinda cheesy...but on a silver print could be a little more organic (IMO)
Veli Izzet Cigirgan <veli.izzet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Veli Izzet Cigirgan <veli.izzet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,I want to sign some photographs printed on glossy paper with a fuji frontier. I prefer not to sign ob the matte, as it may be detached.Can anybody tell what pen to use, and it is really a good practice to sign on the glossy print.Thanks for the answers,Veli Izzet Cigirgan
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