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At 18:49 +0000 5/26/06, Charles Dias wrote:
Jim Snarski - Nice buttlefly and a good composition. I Just think the image is too light, maybe some contrast and brightness control would be nice and could improve it a lot
       there's always that choice...I elected to leave the image 
faithful to the original lighting....looked pretty good on my Apple 
monitor....I've been told there are differences between PC and Mac 
monitors with images being darker on PC's...thanks to your comment I 
just learned there is a quick Gamma adjustment in Photoshop's Image 
Ready that will adjust a Mac image for a PC...which, if I had done 
that, would have made it even lighter!!!....
At 1:41 +0200 5/27/06, Pini Vollach wrote:
Jim Snarski
I like the background more than the subject.
The butterfly should be more sharp. ( as in Renate's pic )
     yeah, and I *should* be rich.... * >)  ....maybe it's my eyes 
but it looked ok to me....I try not to post an image where the 
central subject is out of focus....
At 23:59 -0500 5/26/06, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
Jim Snarski -- Painted Lady -- The background is nicely mottled, and anice collection of colors; parts of it make me slightly suspicious it's been worked on, but even if that's true I don't mind. The righthand plant stalk is either showing poor lens performance, or else is just the wrong amount out of focus; it looks harsh and unclear at the same time. The left outer wing of the butterfly looks quite good, sharp and not jagged.
       hmmmm....depends on what you mean by *worked on*....if you 
mean altering the original scene by cloning or some such other 
manipulations, no.....the image was cropped and the brightness and 
contrast slightly adjusted and that's the extent of it...
At 9:17 +0100 5/27/06, Chris wrote:
Jim Snarski - Painted Lady
A Painted lady on the Emerald Isle, Yes I like it. They usually fly away.
      they which point they become airborne flowers.....

thanks to all of you for taking the time to's appreciated and I learn from your observations
Baja Oregon

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