Thanks for all the "photo-vest" comments. To summarize, some hate
them, some love them and some are indifferent. No one suggested any
features that would recommend one over the other. But thanks again,
anyway. Since they're not expensive, I'll get one to try out.
Roger Eichhorn
Professor Emeritus
University of Houston
On 11 Apr 2006, at 13:12, SteveS wrote:
I like my photo vest. I used to leave important equipment at the
car, or even at home; then on location I'd search and search. Now,
I keep everything in the vest.
I check the vest before I go out. I'm confident and uncomfortable
with it; but I gots it all in the vest.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Elgenper" <elgenper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students"
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: Photo Vest
11 apr 2006 kl. 05.56 skrev Roger Eichhorn:
I have a couple of photo backpacks that are a pain to use. The
extra lenses are stored in them and the correct lens is never on
the camera at the right time and is not rapidly accessible
(they're on my back). Plus, now that I use a Canon 10D, I don't
need a lot of the stuff I used to carry around. I'm wondering if
anyone has a recommendation for a photo-vest. All I would need
it for is a couple of extra lenses (two of 70-300 DO IS; 17-40
L4.0; 50 mm macro and hoods) plus extra flash cards and battery.
The tripod, which I rarely use, can be handled separately. There
seem to be a lot of models available.
Personally, I´ve all but given up on photo vests. You end up with a
lot of gear dangling around your hips, forcing you to watch every
step. You can´t take it off when you sit down for a refreshing beer/
coffee, or all that glass will hang almost floor height, if you drape
the vest around your chair´s back. You´ll look like a wannabe Don
McCullin all the time.
Honestly, what you describe as "not a lot of stuff", and "all I would
need" would quickly kill my photographic inspiration if I tried to
carry it for a day, whatever way I would pack it. If I can´t get by
with what my Billingham Hadley can swallow, I sit down and think
I do use a backpack in the countryside, when I have to carry food,
raingear & c, but in these settings, it is usually no problem to put
it down if you want to change lenses.
Well, that´s me. A lot of people do like and use photo vests, for
sure. Hopefully, a few of them will give you their view.
Per Öfverbeck
"In a world without walls or fences, who needs Windows or Gates?"