Re: The 12hr ISBN-JPEG Project <update>

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To be frank, Jeff, I am truly baffled by this project. There's been some fascinating pics and some totally useless pics - sharpness, focus, etc... not being the evaluation critera for this work.

The project has been going on since 1994, which is 11 years and a bit. With 2 pictures-a-day, this amounts to 8030 and some pictures.

The tough part here is the 12hr-shoot binding constraint. I've run a self-initiated project of shooting one-and-only-one-picture a day with a dedicated 6x9 camera (hence a full 120 film per week processed and contact printed on a sheet, one sheet per week). 1-and-only-1-picture involves a lot of decisions during the day: to shoot or not to shoot. After a year, I was getting really anxious to put an end to this madness. -:)

Now, 8030 pics amounts to the number of frames for a short film of 8.3 minutes at 16fps. This is not so long after all. I wonder how the project would look if it were projected on a screen at 16fps.



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