Alan presents a mighty heads-up: : It would seem that the proposal makes fair game of any picture, in any : medium without the owner's name on it. : : This is pretty much as things happen here in Oz.. "the MOST the copyright owner can get is "reasonable compensation," .. for the use actually made. There is NO possibility of statutory damages or attorneys' fees, even if the work was registered before the use .." Yet "If the copyright owner discovers the use and demands payment.. and the infringer ceases the infringement .. after receiving notice of the claim for infringement, no award of monetary relief shall be made." Is unofficially often how it works . It's not a nice situation and ensures photographers are kept at the bottom of the food chain. I wonder too if it will mean any photographic print you find/buy/own will fall under the same proposed legislation, allowing anyone who wants to start mass producing prints for sale after making the odd tentative but unsuccessful phonecall? If this goes ahead it will justify my unease and reluctance to expose my images on the web. k