RE: no need of Camera bags

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Use a special pocket stitched on to your coat to be ready instantly! And use a subminiature digital camera; throw all your films away everyone over here has (well except for a few photographers over 80).


And nature photographers can now buy binoculars with built in digital camera although I would have thought similar devices were always there for the few.


Oh by the way the reward I turned away from for rescuing the richest lady in Western Europe (She alleged that she was picked up by giant grasshoppers driving a flying saucer, she’s now escaped to the states) was £500,000,000 GBP.  But money is poison and that amount is lethal because so many others want it, the bullet proof vest, and limousine and the walled up home was just not what I wanted so I chucked the check in the trashcan like the five pools I won and the lottery of £1.6 M, just chucked in the bin.  I got through my life assurance savings of £20,000 GPB in about 5 years, now I’m just as poor as when I started work in 1961 on £3000 GBP a month and bought a stately home.  But they were all out to get me and the hole in my brain turned me into a cleaner, inventing the thermonuclear fusion engine in a couple of days while off those little blue pills that I’m taking again.  Now my income as a pensioner is only $1000 a month and I’m close to the line dividing having not enough.  I’ve actually spent most of my life on $1000 a month corrected for inflation.  I sort of assisted in lots on inventions…..  Like the radio’s we all use now but that was back in 1969 (based on the Wadley loop) when I was briefly away from my shrink. (They shrink your income).  And you’re actual LCD and flat LCD TV screen, 3-D coming soon, and that cute little circuit in your digital watch that acts as a temperature compensation (known before).   And the gated AGC worked out by Robin turned into fact by me, and your digital satellite link and those signals from the NASA spacecraft all designed with a bit of help from me (the principles were known for years, worked out by Armstrong in his book on communication, I just made it real).  They tried the piccolo system but I computed the math’s by Fourier transform and showed it was only as good as binary and redundancy was the same as a slower signal repeated a few times to get a majority decision.  The French Starship (actually a “flying saucer” with  a huge parabolic microwave horn, 1 MW klystron, under run, and the thermonuclear fusion power unit) was discussed with me before it flew and it should be half way to the Barnard Star system by now (Barnard’s stellar system is now French!).  There are alleged to be three planets and the craft has primitive spectroscopy equipment and a “planet detector” and some imaging equipment and other detectors for radiation and magnetic fields.  This information is being sent back in slow Morse in ASCI hex.  I believe the scientist died as he was in his 50’s in 1970 and his team likewise, as with all space travel the support staff get old and die before the task is complete.    It was only a robot craft. I think it is probably lost.


The fear the Christians had of the discovery of alien life outside the Earth, because in would mean our death is the end of us, is so great that they are quite able to kill, incriminate and commit perjury in order to prevent its discovery.


I told a science fiction story featuring “King Jesus, Starship Commander”……


Now they want my house…..  They want me on the street…. Begging…..   Even my death…. Not far off now because of heart disease.   


Perhaps I should laugh….. My interview is tomorrow.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-
photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Marilyn
Sent: 28 January 2006 22:14
List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
Subject: Camera bags


I would like to hear from PF members about what camera bags you like best.   It seems like a simple thing to do - choose a camera bag - but I've had some I've been disappointed in there are so many to choose from . . . .


Is there a bag that can safely and easily hold two camera bodies with lenses and accessories?  Those of you who may use camera back packs - do you find these easier to carry and use?


Opinions?  Suggestions?


Thank you in advance.





When written in Chinese,
the word "crisis" is
composed of two
characters - one represents
danger, and the other
represents opportunity.


John F. Kennedy

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