Re: Are you a Yahoo! group member?

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It's actually somewhat worse than Robert suggests. They've been using beacons for quite a while. Read the fine print when you sign up and google the Yahoo privacy statement. You must also agree to allow Yahoo to share the information they garner about you with its business associates, and there's no stipulation as to how that information is shared. For instance, do they deliver lists of the web sites you've visited to their partners or do they allow their partners to place their own 'beacons' on your machine? Pay special attention to their opt-out policy. After you initially opt-in, opting out only lasts until you *receive* another Yahoo originated email, then, as per your initial agreement, you've opted-back in again. Further more, opting out seems to be ip address specific, not machine specific. For example, you can 'opt-out' whether you've logged into your Yahoo acct or not. If you can stand more bad news, google yahoo & law suits or their agreements with the Chinese gov't (& ours too, probably). Yahoo is involved with firings, imprisonments, and some reported deaths. Finally, reflect on how this huge, profitable internet goliath maintains itself with so little direct advertising, and its 'sucks we're just folks
like you' demeanor.

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