As seen in a newspaper ..... FYI and hopefully it helps a PhotoForum member! William Paterson University Faculty Positions 2006-2007 Department of Art - David Horton, Chair, email: hortond@xxxxxxxxx Assistant/Associate Professor with Specialization in photography. Artist/photographer to teach undegraduate and graduate photography. Knowledge and experience in traditional silver processes, digital imaging technology, expertise in digital output and a broad understanding of the history of photography as an art form required. Experience in non-silver processes and/or digital lab management preferred. Include slide and/or digital portfolio and any other supporting materials along with SASE with application. Candidates should end letters of application including Job Code (CHE117), curriculum vitae, and dossier to the Chairperson of the Department, Drawer CHE, William Paterson University, 300 Pompton Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 ------------------------------------------------------------- This message posted on the list by ADavidhazy, andpph@xxxxxxx