fotofx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
No Worries, it's just money <vbg>. I have to say that I really do think that Canon's lens quality has done down some since the advent of digital. It to me is an afterthought. Digital cameras are based on an old design, the 35mm SLR. I can't wait to see what the future brings in size and shape and capabilities of new gear.
I really do think that the optical viewfinder needs to go. It takes up too much space with the mirror box and such. if our cameras did not have optical viewfinders we wouldnot need mirrors and lenses could be alot smaller in size and weight. If the chip is smaller why build this huge darn camera around it? We would have far fewer dust bunnies inside without haveing to change the lenses so much. Just think we could have a camera nody with a 10mm to 600mm lens builtin with a a frame rate of 24fps and each file is 60 megs or better 1gig!!
Not so far away I think just modify a video camera....
Hey! Maybe we can get rid of windshields on cars and just use a front
mounted camera and a display inside too. Just think, cleaning bugs and
stuff would be less time consuming and cars could have better