I tried to mark a jpeg with a star rating and got this message:
"Labels and Ratings are stored in XMP metadata. If a file does not
have a method to store XMP they will be stored in the cache only." I
purged the cache and closed and re-opened Bridge and it retained the
star. I tried also with RAW and PSD files and the stars were retained,
though I didn't try with multiple pictures.
Are you by chance viewing files in Bridge with filtering by rating?
The default is unfiltered and your stars (and starred files) should
show up.
On Sep 25, 2005, at 6:26 PM, lea murphy wrote:
I went thru a shoot and ranked several images with stars. I closed
down the program and when I reopened bridge all the stars are gone. Do
I have to do this work all over again or are they hidden somewhere? Do
I have to save those rankings before leaving Bridge?
Thanks for any info.
lea murphy