Re: studio lighting

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The easiest fix for your current set up would be to change the bulb in your light to a blue, daylight balanced bulb which will get rid of your yellow cast. Another fix would be to add a blue filter to your camera lens which would also knock out your yellow cast.
The easiest set up of all would be to get rid of the light altogether and 
just use natural light but I realize that isn't always practical. Forget the 
on-camera flash completely because it will always give you very harsh 
frontal lighting.
Your film speed is fine.

If you are so inclined, a couple of books I have found to be of interest for beautiful portraits without a lot of studio equipment are Faces by Jane Brown and Author Photo by Marion Ettlinger. Another book with very, very practical advice for using natural light is How to Photograph your Baby by Kelsh. You will find them to be of great value, I suspect.
Granted, these books get you away from studio lights almost completely but 
I'm not sure that's always a bad thing!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Shyrell Melara" <shyrellmelara@xxxxxxxxx> To: "List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students" <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:36 AM
Subject: studio lighting

Hi Everyone,

I need some help on the best lighting at the best price.
I'm still using film, doing in studio portraits. I have one light, but
it gives off more yellow than I like. Also have on camera flash, but
it's a little harsh.

Also: Would a faster film be more helpful? I generally use 200 or 400.

Thanks in advance.

Shyrell Melara
Melara Family Photography
Preserving Precious Memories...


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