... shot in the gallery? >Emily L. Ferguson - Two Salutes Emily THis week's shot has the same bleached-out effect on my PC monitor as the last one. Just in case it was my monitor not your shot I loaded it into PS (without profile conversion) and had a look at the Histograms: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/photoforum/xmas/original-histogram.gif As you can see - great big gap where the shadows should be. Anyways, by way of illustration, I tweaked the levels a little - croped some of the dead foreground - and produced the following ... http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/photoforum/xmas/ferguson-2c.jpg which to me does much more justice to the subject. - Histogram of resulting image: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/photoforum/xmas/leveled-histogram.gif Now I know you are not a beginner - and your pictures didn't used to look washed out ... so what's changed? Bob