i think a couple mistakes that people make with landscapes early on are: 1) feeling every landscape should be a panoramic, and 2) cluttering the image
have her start composing very simple landscapes with a single point of interest and work at filling a frame with an intended composition that doesn't need to be cropped in the darkroom
or, possibly, if her lens has macro, she can sart doing "landscapes" from a little bit different perspective
forget the filters for now, she needs to learn how her camera works in relation to the sun
tripod, tripod, tripod
Marilyn <marilyn@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Marilyn <marilyn@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Q,
This student is only 14 years old and worked all summer to buy her film
camera (she wants to learn black and white darkroom work, also. Rule # 1
for me - never discourage a student who works to earn their education and
equipment and is eager and excited to learn any subject).
She is going to have to use the equipment she has until she can afford a
digital camera.
Thank you for your input, though{:->
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Mother Teresa
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