> Emily L. Ferguson - July 4th Washed out. Learn to use histograms. Even the simple step of applying auto-levels enables me to start appreciating the colours in this image. PS: is the dummy a scale-model of an average Texan? > Herschel Mair - Spoon dates Excellent Documentary Image Don't change a thing I'd love a link to the whole story. > Renate Volz - End of the Rope Mmmmm .... I like the swirly effect but the poor technical capture (detail) of the bug lets this down. Love the pictures on your web site BTW ... sort of digital kaleidescopy .... > Steve Shapiro - One of . . . Pepper series Boring > Guy Glorieux - To the beach... Now I've read the blurb I understand this is not just a crappy family snapshot but a skilled attempt to produce documentary images that have the look and feel of crappy family snapshots :o) Documenting physiques on beaches over the years. Does it prove people are fatter today or that fat people are no longer too embarrassed to be seen in pubic? > Per Ofverbeck - Love this shot again A lot of advice on scenes holding reflections tells not to make them half-and-half but this one works for me exactly as it is. Heck, the horizon is even perfectly vertical. > David Small - Lap Dogs Very Funny Have you gone for a digital compact though? I'm sure in your film days you would have captured the shot before the woman on the left clocked you. > Jeff Spirer - Cook Classic Spirer. Just a quality image, well presented. > Bob Talbot - Paper Fantastic Image The best in the gallery for nearly 3 years. The newspaper headline dates it a bit though: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/photoforum/xmas/papercrop.jpg I guess with PS one could clone in more modern headlines to bring it up to date. Note for Chris: These days the government death squads could shoot that chap "on suspicion" merely for placing his rucksack on the ground. It's the new reality of London. > Pini Vollach - Athens 2005 Vermin No matter how you dress it up graffiti vandals are scum and should be shot. Either that or tax cans of spray paint. Oh, so it's Athens: could be any major city these days ... sadly Thanks to Andy, without whom this gallery and list would fold ...