My apologies for not writing this earlier. I was particularly deluged with
a heap of "stuff", and I'm only just catching up with my emails.
At 10:22 6 07 2005, ADavidhazy wrote:
The photograph getting the most votes for best interpreting (according to
voter's judgement) the assigned theme, namely FEET, with 6 votes was:
Michel Dusariez - Walking in the fitness room
And a very fine entry, too. It exemplified the pushing of the boundaries
evident in this group, one of the attractive features.
From: the PhotoForum's exhausted staff of volunteers
And a very big thank you to all of you. For coming up with the idea, and
then executing the contest with such aplomb.
I did enjoy looking through some of my photographs for suitable images, and
trying out some ideas.
Finally, thank you to those who voted for my Buddha image. (I can't wait
until the next time!)
&i (: