Dear PhotoForum list members, For those of you interested in possibly acquiring for free a book, View Camera Technique, by Les Stroebel on the basis of a raffle of sorts here is the deal: To participate in the "game" you proceed as follows: Prepare a message addressed to: ritphoto@xxxxxxx In the subject line put: number-XX (where XX is a number from 1-99) In the message body include: your name and address to mail book to If you guess the correct number you will receive further instructions. If you don't you will receive condolences! If you don't follow the pattern exactly as shown above your entry will be unacceptable. IMPORTANT: You may only enter ONCE - if it is determined later that this "rule" was broken the contest will be annulled and a new one started. DISCLAIMER: this activity was designed to promote good will and happy times. If there was some oversight in setting up this contest and its procedures that leads to misundertandings or conflict, List HQ retains the prerogative of calling the whole thing off without blame or incurring any penalty.