Cell phone shooters, There is an email circulating in these parts RE sly trick to obtain credit card number from unsuspecting patron. The cashier handles the transaction while talking casually on cell phone. Unnoticed by the customer, cashier snaps a picture of the credit card and sends it to cohort. OK, at first blush, this sounds like another thing to be worried about. But think about it. Can a cell phone camera produce a readable image in this sneaky situation - or any situation? I doubt it. I photographed a credit card with a good PSD and, after several tries, got a fairly legible image of all the embossed numbers if the light was just so. Forget about getting the extra three security digits printed in tiny type (sometimes on the obverse). Seems to me we have another urban legend to feed our paranoia. Anybody with a photo cell phone like to prove me wrong? AZ Build a Lookaround! The Lookaround Book, 2nd ed. NOW SHIPPING http://www.panoramacamera.us