I have a B&W print that *never* fails to elicit gasps of 'wow, that's so sharp!'
When someone tells me that a print looks sharp, I look to see what I did wrong. It's the exact opposite of what I want in terms of a reaction.
I had an opening for a solo show last weekend with sixty to eighty people. Not one person asked about the technical origin of the images, which were a mix of film and digital. People asked how I saw specific shots, why the light looked the way it did, how I captured the feeling of the shot. I found this a total success. In the end, all this "digital vs film" discussion happens when the photography itself doesn't matter.
Jeff Spirer
Photos: http://www.spirer.com
One People: http://www.onepeople.com/
Surfaces and Marks: http://www.withoutgrass.com