----- Original Message ----- From: "Eclipse Agency" : What about lens flare and such? The article gave a few reasons how digital : lenses are optimized. Nothing in that article was true about the : differences? Im not trying to argue just wish you would elaborate if you : are going to make such statements here. Thank you. I haven't read the article, but how do they proclaim to have dealt with lens flare and why would this phenomenon be viewed as a digital/film issue? lens flare results from any non-image forming light entering the lens, bouncing around the innards of the lens elements and the camera and off the surfaces of the lens elements. Eliminating/reducing it has been achieved MOST effectively by using lens hoods- any other method is a compromise based on convenience. there have been way too many shrill and mischevious claims made by digital manufacturers and too few people prepared to thoroughly test and challenge their claims lately. The very basis of digital photography is still very analogue - analogue mechanical lenses with quality variations, analogue monochrome sensors, analogue chromatic filters, analogue squirts of ink onto analogue paper, analogue monitors. Software, ie computer programs whether in camera, in computer or in printer handle the digitised image but at any step in the process where humans want to interpret the image we interface on an analogue level. In the mathematical world, digital may be a viable reality but the laws of phisics.. well karl Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." -- Herman Goering, Nuremberg trials (Gustave Gilbert- "Nuremberg Diary")