In response to Bob Talbot's question we can indeed organize another exhibition of PF member's year end photographic greeting cards. The process is still in place from years past and all it will take is for member's to participate. To participate send your digital e-cards following the guidelines for the weekly exhibit (that is: keep them to less than 500 pixels in the longest dimension and/or a maximum filesize of about 50K when JPEG compressed). You may add text to the cards themselves or send text in the message of your email to which the image is attached. Gallery pixies will assemble an exhibit of all the cards that are sent asap after receipt as possible. Send your cards to: RITphoto@xxxxxxx stating the word: GREETING in the subject line. You should receive an acknowledgement of receipt. Please do not send images to the list's address. Best wishes, Andy Davidhazy for PhotoForum on the Internet