Lovely site, Emily! Also, of course, my condolences.
I think the PS template works very well in this case. My own website uses a re-worked template; only wish I could find the time to update that site... Also, in this case, I find the timed change between images very "prayer-flag-ish" and appropriate.
Emily, when lookig at your prayer flag site, I was reminded of two other sites in the same vein, which might be of interest:
Both are among the links in my pages, btw; they´re old favourites with me.
Per Öfverbeck
2004-11-21 kl. 23.18 skrev Emily L. Ferguson:
Photoshop has a few canned web pages that can be made acceptable, although not as good as doing it from scratch.
However here's the quick and dirty PS web page
Sorry about "deliberacy". The flags are 8"x8" so the black print shows at that size but not at the size on the web page.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography