Don Robert's, asked: Hmm, wasn't there another picture or two made around there? and, Were there other angles available to you? And WR's answer; Point Lobos is in my backyard, so to speak, and I spend a lot of my free time there. It's in away become strictly controlled, to preserve it's beauty, with "Rules," one must always stay behind certain areas, that is to say even though you can see the tripod holes necessary to shoot the photo, you can't get there from here, (smile). This particular shot, was shot from a point that even had I had the ability to swing by my tail, I don't think I could have improved the shot, ( even a bigger smile). There's countless other shots available here, I only hope as many folks out there that can make it to this location, will come and experience the beauty that abounds here at Point Lobos State Reserve, just south of Carmel, California. WRGill