From: "Peter Blaise Monahon" <peterblaise@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Photographers are Dodos
To: photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxx OOPS - to photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !!
It is my understanding that NO non-human testimony is actually accepted
as evidence in court, that is, as you suspect, a "person" must testify
that the picture or sound recording or movie or bullet or knife or stolen
goods or fingerprint et cetera is a true and honest representation of their
own spoken or written testimony.
That way, they can get that person for perjury.
If they accepted the "evidence" on it's own, then the court itself
would be at fault if it were proven to be false.
The court doesn't decide what's right or wrong, what's accurate or
inaccurate, what's true or false ...
The courts only decide who wins the argument.
(Even if the judges have to vote TWICE in a presidential election to
appoint their chosen "son"!!! One man = one vote, unless you're a
supreme court judge, then you can vote twice in a presidential election!
I wish I could have voted twice in the last election - some people didn't
get a chance to vote even once!)
Back on topic, I think ...
"Imaging" ... indeed! What are we, graphic artists? Hah!
We're picture people! ;-)
> Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 07:37:31 -0700
> From: lookaround360@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [SPAM] Re: Photographers are Dodos
> Will some expert confirm my belief that
> digital images are not accepted as
> evidence in courts?
> I think I read it somewhere. In any
> case, all pictures have to have
> supporting evidence.
> The argument that digital images are
> more secure would make them less
> believable. It's like the argument that
> secure ID's are safer. The harder
> they are to detect the more "safe"
> the fraud is.
> AZ
PS - Minolta has a digital camera that locks it's files and reports if the file has been altered. Wanna guess how easy this stuff is to crack? I can make Stalin disappear, also! ;-) Who needs digital - all done before in the chemical darkroom ...
Love and hugs,
Peter Blaise
Minolta et cetera PHOTOGRAPHER, dammitt!
... quick - what do you think an "imaging" consultant does for a living?