John- Thanks for the comment. I hope the bit of cloth doesn't hurt the image too much. I don't pose any of my subjects, and I photograph them the way they are and don't disturb them if at all possible. So, I couldn't move the bit of cloth. I am also a real purist in the sense that I don't do any manipulation...only available light, no filters, and, almost always, no cropping. Anyway, this is just an explanation for the distracting elements in the last 2 pics. Since I am just getting into photojournalism, my real passion, is there anyone in this forum that sees things from a photojournalism standpoint? If so, are these elements equally as distracting for someone in this field? I'm wondering because I have so much still to learn in that field and would appreciate any advice. I also know that what appeals to someone with a pj/documentary shot is different from someone who might be interested in a different type of photography. Now, I am not saying that the shots would work in pj/doc., I am just trying to find out if they would. Leslie Spurlock <A HREF=""> American Photojournalist</A> 214-361-5152 888-381-0854 << Leslie Spurlock, Faith and Hope. A strong, evocative image that is disturbed and somewhat neutralized by that bit of cloth with the threads spreading out from it, onto the figure's chin. The distraction is inevitable. >>