<<< Jim is correct in that some minor focus problems can be cured in post. In fact, because of the low-pass filter (necessary for proper color interpretation) between the microlenses and the photoreceptors, sharpening of some kind MUST be done for all images acquired from a digital camera. >>> Some consumer digital cameras just do it for you (DIFY) so you get oversharp "looking" images (much sharper than film ;o). Trouble with the DIFY approach over the FIP one is that no automated flter will be optimal for all images <<<The 10D can be set to essentially compensate for this at time of acquisition, unless you shoot RAW. >>> Ah, DIFY <<<The 10D is a strange beast, in that a fair percentage were sent from the factory with a suboptimal focus alignment. Canon considers this a consumer camera and not a pro camera, and the quality control, or at least the allowed tolerances, are slightly different. >>> Ouch! Are Canon that crass? Not many pros can afford the 1Ds. What is a "pro" anyway: someone who takes photos for a living or someone who uses only the most expensive equipment? Mmmm ... Consumer/pro. This problem should not be there Freeserve AnyTime - HALF PRICE for the first 3 months - Save £7.50 a month www.freeserve.com/anytime