Shyrell wrote:
Okay, my scanner is shot, my digi-cam is crap, my program is crappy, my
pictures suck and somehow my JPGs get turned into GIFs somewhere between
my computer and my server. (In my computer files the extensions are jpg.)
So what digital cameras do all of you use? And what picture programs are
the best? Also, what's the best scanner?
Canon EOS 10D & G3
Nikon film scanner
For your later question about creating web pages I use Adobe GoLive because I got a great deal on it and it plays nicely with Photoshop.
Very few MicroShaft products on this Mac, with the exception of an IE browser which I rarely use.
List members will be glad to know that I am going to be moving away from the much maligned AOL soon. I've been with them since I first went online 6 or 7 years ago when AOL was in version 2.something, Photoshop had just released version 4, Adobe had not yet bought the precursor to GoLive (whose name escapes me), Illustrator was version 5 or 6 and the OS on my speedy (180MHz) Mac clone was 7.5.6. On the other hand my trusty old Hasselblad made back in the 1960's still clicks and advances film with the twist of a crank...and my Contax made in 1953 does the same.
Rich Mason