At 02:32 PM 11/19/2003 -0500, ADavidhazy wrote:
>>04 Given a particular camera position, as lenses of various focal lengths are
>>placed on the camera the perspective of the recorded scene changes.
>As phrased, and with my camera equipment, the answer is TRUE yet I'm half
>expecting the required answer to be false. Why is that?
Well, as noted with the altazimuth item I may not have all the questions "under
control" so it is quite possible I did not phrase the question properly. In any
case the point was to be that perspective is a matter of camera position and
not of lens focal length. Long focal length lenses just show less of the
surrounding scene. If photos are made with a wide angle lens but the central
portion is blown up to match the image size of something included in a photo
made with a longer focal length lens the perspective, ie: relationship between
sizes of objects in the scene, should be the same in both photographs.
So, maybe a better phrasing of the question is in order - that is the best I
could come up with as I am putting this exam together and so help is
Andy (a couple hours before test is to be administered!)