Brian van den Broek <> wrote/replied to: >So, I might be up for further to snip or not to snip talk, but >perhaps we've wandered a bit. Well, those top posters are the ones always in a hurry it seems. After all, they're always giving speed as the reason they top post. Why would you think they'd have the time to type in a difficult sequence of keystrokes like <SNIP> Heck they gotta use CAPS too. This hurrying thing of course is also what causes those big bottom 'not snipped' messages. They just don't have the time to type anything properly. Well, the fact is most of those top posted messages don't often have any content that's important it seems anyway. And coincidentally the bottom posters by far have the most intelligent and important things to say. However, some top posters we do respect and want to bring them over to our side. We want to read their stuff better :-)