"PHOTOFORUM LISTSERV OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: To SIGNOFF or UNSUBSCRIBE: 1. In a message addressed to: LISTSERV@listserver.isc.rit.edu 2. Send the following request: SIGNOFF PhotoForum Nothing else. No name, no e-mail, and no signature files. Just that one line! You would also send other "command-type" messages to the above address: SUB PhotoForum your-name-here (subscribes you to the list) SET PhotoForum MAIL DIGEST (mail in digest mode = index + text) SET PhotoForum MAIL POSTPONE (suspends mail delivery) SET PhotoForum MAIL ACK (reactivates piecemeal mail delivery) HELP (sends you a HELP file)" Maris Michael Ibbetson wrote: > you say youve been having a break from this list.... how do you get > off it please?? I dont really want to be on this list anymore.