<<I've been feeling guilty about submitting images for review and not taking the time to do reviews myself. I blame this partially on a lack of time, which is a pretty lame excuse. >> Actually it's a very real excuse. I reckon between 30 minutes and an hour to do a review: I guess if I ever get broadband that could come down by 2 miutes ;o) <<Whew, that was harder than I thought. It's taken me the better part of the morning. >> It's as hard or as easy as you want to make it. I'm lazy: I almost never re-read any of what I type but that does have the draw back that sometimes things don't get said quite as tactfully as they might. The alternative - agonising over every paragraph: magnifying the effort and as a direct consequence reducing the chance that I will actually do one. Enjoyed reading yours. Not sure I know which of the images you loved and which you didn't - maybe that was yer plan ;o) Bob Scott