<<< Hah, you always make me laugh but come on now, how many email aliases do you have? How many do you need? >>> Waddaymean aliases? My address (via the web portal) is, as always, "snapper@st-abbs.fsnet.co.uk" ... <<< Thanks for bringing me back to reality. I should be proud to live in the crap age and you're right about my non-consumerist attitudes being dangerous. I should know better than to spout off like that specially when we all know we're being monitored. >>> Oh shucks ... I guess it was some threads on another list that really got me going. Stupid modern crap like the "Canon Raw" format ... paying for software to do TRIVIAL calculations is just absurd. Why do people pay? Because by the by it makes Consumers feel good to spend money. The fact the stuff is trivial is irrelavent. 20th century: "Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you will feed him for life" 21st Century: "Give a man a fish and he will develop a taste for fish, teach him how to fish and the bastard will go out and catch his own!" ;o( <<Perhaps changing email names will keep them off my trail eh? >> Works for me ... Snapper ...