I now see that both of you with problems seeing the page are on
AoHell. I'll have to check with a friend of mine to see whether
AoHell is interfering with your access to the page in some way, but
in the meantime you might also look around your computer for Internet
Explorer, launch it and type in the URL in my previous message.
Try that after you have logged in to AoHell to get your mail but
before you log out. You should be able to see the page with the
images on it in IE on your AoHell account even if you can't see them
from within AoHell's terribly cluttered interface.
While you're at it, go find another internet service provider. Most
of them are considerably less expensive and don't make you pay for
advertising and all that clutter.
Makes the internet much more pleasant in my opinion.
But then, by now, you can see what I think of AoHell!
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography