its worth all the effort kabayan...havent done macros like this before...i might give it a try.; )
"Elson T. Elizaga" <> wrote:
"Elson T. Elizaga" <> wrote:
Thanks a lot to colleagues who reviewed "Assassin". I made this photo
last month, after accidentally finding the bug while looking for spiders
in my mother's garden. It was my first time to see this thing -- what a
lucky day. Possibly rare species.
The size of the insect is about 1/5 of the online version. To photograph
it, I enclosed it with a Hoya 82mm UV filter, which I then placed in a
freezer for about five minutes, to keep the bug still, since it was kind
of restless when I caught it and it couldn't understand the command
"Freeze!" :)
It was walking upside-down on the filter wall for awhile. But when it
was still, I took the filter with the bug out in bright shade and took
several shots.
I reckoned later that it would have been better to put the bug in a
carton box instead, and to keep the filter out of the freezer, because
tiny water droplets developed on the f Do you Yahoo!?
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- Re: Gallery Impressions early May 2003
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