Re: Olympus Trip 35 History

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Here -
but what's to say? 1967-84 almost unchanged - must be the longest run around.
A good source for a cannibalised 40mm brightline finder if you want
to use a Leica 40mm Summicron-C on another M body.
Tough as nails - used them for years as a basic school camera.
Recovered a few in fancy leathers too! Eventually the galvanometer or
selenium cell fails and the aperture no longer responds to light
(check - if the red flag shows in the finder in very low light and
locks the trigger, then it's probably OK). I find them for around
$20-30 regularly, in good condition.

 Hi folks,

 Anybody could help me about the history of the small Olympus Trip
35 camera???
 I was searching on the web but found out just a few paragraphs about it.



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