John Palcewski writes -- >>>> Art criticism therefore is nothing more than an expression of a personal preference-- which we may cheerfully take or leave.<<<< At a crudely primitive level, this is true. People who know nothing about a particular field have nothing to go on but their own personal likes and dislikes. Children often jump with glee and loudly voice their personal preferences for Clown Burgers (McDonald's), because that is what they know. This has a certain egalitarian appeal, leveling all opinions. Leave art behind and look at this from the viewpoint of a legal opinion, sommelier, mathematician, economist, etc. The persons who acquire expertise in a field, through any means, have at their disposal the context of seeing something not just as a tastemonger, but within the larger realm of the field itself. All opinions are valid, but not created equal. There are no cliche'd subjects, only cliche' approaches to them. --- Luis