Re: yellow streaking on film

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At 09:18 PM 8/14/2002 +0300, you wrote:
>well, i knew it would happen sometime, but what is it and what caused it?
>i'm talking about what appears to be two thin yellow lines just at the 
>bottom and the top of the frame - not emulsion side- running almost all the 
>length of the negative. In closer look, it is a series of 1-2 mm streaks 
>coming from the film advance holes,connecting to each other, and opposite 
>the direction of turning of the reel.
>facts for you to consider are:
>- i do not shake the tank, i just turn the film in it 9is it wrong ?)
>- film was tri-x pushed 3200, and developed in Tmax. (first try)
>- after that film 2 rolls of FP5+ were eveloped and fixxed with the same 
>very same solutions. there was no streaking on them
>so what could be the cause of it?
>i'm considering the chance of the reel being turned the opposite way, being 
>placed the wrong way in the tank shaft.
>plus that it is definetely caused by liquid being "jetted" behind.
>and most important (although the yellow lines are at the non printable part 
>of the frame, can they be removed by re-washing the film?
>gee! for the first time, it is really disconcerting...kostas


Could it be old fixer? Re fix and see if the streaks go away. I had a
similar problem a day ago. 

Maker of Lookaround panoramic camera.
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