Re: Gallery Ravings 6 August 2002

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregory Fraser" <>
To: "List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students"
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: Gallery Ravings 6 August 2002

> Bruce Weitzman - Can you really shoot Polaroids on TMAX film or are you
saying this is a Polaroid and you took another shot of the same thing using
TMAX? Either way, very nice lighting. One of these days I plan to set up
some glass and experiment with lighting. How did you arrive at the spacing
between glasses? It seems a little wide to me but I think if it was smaller
then the shoulders of the glasses might ruin the shape of the negative

Thanks for all your feed back.  When I shot the glasses I put them in
opposing directions, with the bottom of one glass touching the brim of the
other.  So basically that's as close as I could get them together.  I used a
pedestal setup to light the glasses.  I think I used gray seamless for the
back drop, the bright spot on the back drop is from a 500W Smith Victor.  I
stayed away from direct lighting, so everything was either reflected with
bounce cards or lit with the use of soft boxes.

Bruce Weitzman

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