PASS THE CAMERA PROJECT - LEONARDO/Raphael Hi all PFers, Were you on the Raphael pass-the-camera project and are you mighty frustrated that you can't see your image on the Pass-the-camera web site? Are you a newcomer to the PhotoForum list and want to participate in a great photography project but don't know a thing about the Pass-the-camera project? Then you can find out all about it at: Are you from outside North America and want to see what happens to a point-and-shoot disposable camera when it goes around the world? Then this is your last chance to join the Leonardo Pass-the-camera project! We are now 15 participants and we can accommodate several more on the camera, particularly if you are outside of North America. We are in the final stretch of the preparations and the camera is scheduled to leave for its travel on Monday June 7! Applications will be considered until Sunday night 24:00hr Greenwich time. Don't miss your chance to be part of this project! "in truth it simply evolved from a number of talented photographers who wanted to have some fun. The main thrust of the proposal was that a camera should tour the world, stopping in ever so briefly at each participating photographers home, remaining just long enough to have it's film advance twiddled, it's shutter pressed, and it's accompanying card signed before re-entering the package to be posted on to the next participant." If you're interested, please contact me off list and I will add your name to the group and get back to you with the full details. Happy shootings...! Guy Glorieux