Last week postgresql was working fine, yesterday I upgraded to
Snow Leopard...
Everything seemed to be working and then I tried to move some
rows to another machine via dblink.
I am getting a variety of failures on dblink_connect..
mbp is my main machine let me connect to my home server ( named server )
[mbp:~]$ psql -Ulevan -hserver
psql (8.4.0)
Type "help" for help.
levan=# select dblink_connect('host=mbp.skynet user=levan dbname=levan
ERROR: could not establish connection
DETAIL: could not translate host name "mbp.skynet" to address:
nodename nor servname provided, or not known
levan=# select dblink_connect('host=mbp user=levan dbname=levan
ERROR: could not establish connection
DETAIL: could not translate host name "mbp" to address: nodename nor
servname provided, or not known
levan=# select dblink_connect('host=mbp.localdomain user=levan
dbname=levan password=foobar');
ERROR: could not establish connection
DETAIL: could not translate host name "mbp.localdomain" to address:
nodename nor servname provided, or not known
levan=# select dblink_connect('host= user=levan
dbname=levan password=foobar');
(1 row)
The name resolution appears to be buggered. Now server is almost my
local network name
server and it appears to be working just fine ie I can use Safari send
mail etc...
Now if I hop on to server and connect to mbp psql and try to use
[mbp:~]$ ssh server
Last login: Sat Aug 29 11:10:48 2009 from mbp.localdomain
server:~ jerry$ psql -Ulevan -hmbp
psql (8.4.0)
Type "help" for help.
levan=# select dblink('host=server user=levan dbname=levan
ERROR: function dblink(unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: select dblink('host=server user=levan dbname=levan password=...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You
might need to add explicit type casts.
Everything was working fine till the installation of Snow Leopard.
I tried to rebuild dblink but got many bizarre errors.
I tried to rebuild postgresql 8.4 but there were problems with python
and warnings about perl
the build did not succeed.
Anyone else having problems?
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