8.x Db contains tables
create table ametikoh ( ametikoht numeric(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT
nextval('firma1.ametikoh_ametikoht_seq'::regclass) primary key );
create table iandmed ( ametikoht numeric(7) references ametikoh);
I created conversion script which normalizes column types:
alter table ametikoh alter column ametikoht type integer;
alter table iandmed alter column ametikoht type integer;
Running this script causes error:
ERROR: foreign key constraint "iandmed_ametikoht_fkey" cannot be
DETAIL: Key columns "ametikoht" and "ametikoht" are of incompatible types:
numeric and integer.
How to create script which performs this change and works in 8.0+ ?
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