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Re: combining db's- importing primary keys

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Chris wrote:
Bob Gobeille wrote:
On Jul 29, 2009, at 8:26 AM, nha wrote:


Le 29/07/09 15:02, Jasen Betts a écrit :
On 2009-07-27, Bob Gobeille <bob.gobeille@xxxxxx> wrote:
I would like to combine multiple databases (same schema) into one
master db.   Does anyone know how I can reconcile all my primary and
foreign keys to maintain referential integrity.
prefix them all with something that's unique to their source database.

easy to say, hard to do.

A process (and solution) may be different whether:
-the master db will replace all other databases (ie. data manipulation
would directly perform on data managed by master db);
-or the master db will reflect a combined view of data hosted by all
other databases (ie. data manipulation would still perform on
distributed databases and master db would play a role of federated view);
-or both (data manipulation have to be manageable at the both side: on
master db and on distributed db).
In my immediate case, I'm simply combining 7 global databases into a 
single master.
Eventually, I would like to allow our ( users to 
subscribe to data in other databases.  That is, allow
users to do periodic one-way batch updates from other servers.
Have you thought about schemas?

You can set up different users with different search paths so all the data's in one spot, and getting to another schema is easy enough. No changes necessary to the data itself, just the calling code.
Blah, ignore - I didn't read your first email properly :P

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