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Re: after vacuum analyze, explain still wrong

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Sim Zacks wrote:
> Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz wrote:
>> give us postgresql version as well, maybe show query and at least table layout.
The queries look like (The one I'm trying to run is the last one, which
is based on all the previous ones).:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatch AS
 SELECT d.assembliesbatchid, d.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname,
c.ownerid, e.partid, d.units, - e.quantity AS quantity,
COALESCE(c.stock, 0::bigint) AS stock, max(b.quantity) AS qtyperunit,
   FROM assemblies a
   JOIN assembliesbatch d ON d.assemblyid = a.assemblyid
   JOIN allocatedassemblies e ON e.assembliesbatchid = d.assembliesbatchid
   LEFT JOIN partsassembly b ON b.assemblyid = a.assemblyid AND e.partid
= b.partid
   LEFT JOIN stockperowner_lead_ab() c(partid, ownerid, stock,
leadstateid) ON c.partid = e.partid AND c.ownerid = 1 AND
leadcompcheck_ab(a.leadfree, c.leadstateid)
   LEFT JOIN stocklog f ON f.refid = d.batchid AND f.transtypeid = 3 AND
f.partid = e.partid
  WHERE (d.assembliesbatchstatusid = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 4, 7])) AND
f.commited IS NOT TRUE
  GROUP BY d.assembliesbatchid, d.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname,
c.ownerid, e.partid, COALESCE(c.stock, 0::bigint), d.units, e.quantity,

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatchprioruse AS
 SELECT a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname,
a.ownerid, a.partid, a.units, a.quantity, a.stock, COALESCE(sum(-
b.quantity)::double precision, 0::double precision) AS prioruse, sum(
            WHEN c.batchid IS NOT NULL THEN - b.quantity
            ELSE 0
        END)::double precision AS priorusebatch, a.qtyperunit, a.leadfree
   FROM assembliesstockbatch a
   LEFT JOIN (allocatedassemblies b
   JOIN assembliesbatch c ON b.assembliesbatchid = c.assembliesbatchid
AND (c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 1 OR c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 2 OR
c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 4 OR c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 7)
   JOIN assemblies q ON q.assemblyid = c.assemblyid) ON a.partid =
b.partid AND (a.ownerid IS NULL OR a.ownerid = 1) AND a.leadfree =
q.leadfree AND (a.duedate > c.duedate OR a.duedate = c.duedate AND
a.assembliesbatchid > c.assembliesbatchid)
  GROUP BY a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname,
a.ownerid, a.partid, a.quantity, a.stock, a.units, a.qtyperunit, a.leadfree;

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected AS
 SELECT a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname,
a.ownerid, a.partid, a.units, a.quantity, a.stock, a.prioruse,
a.priorusebatch, COALESCE(sum(
            WHEN COALESCE(e.promisedby::timestamp without time
zone::timestamp with time zone, e.requestedby::timestamp without time
zone::timestamp with time zone,
                WHEN e.deliverywks IS NULL THEN f.issuedate
                ELSE NULL::date
            END::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone,
                WHEN e.deliverywks <> -1 THEN (f.issuedate +
e.deliverywks * 7)::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone
                ELSE a.duedate + '1 day'::interval
            END) <= a.duedate THEN COALESCE(e.quantity, 0) -
COALESCE(e.deliveredsum, 0)
            ELSE NULL::integer
        END), 0::bigint) AS expectedbefore, a.qtyperunit
   FROM assembliesstockbatchprioruse a
   LEFT JOIN (pos f
   JOIN poparts e ON f.poid = e.poid AND f.postatusid >= 20 AND
f.postatusid <= 59 AND f.isrfq = false
   JOIN manufacturerpartpn g ON g.pnid = e.pnid) ON e.partid = a.partid
  GROUP BY a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname,
a.ownerid, a.partid, a.quantity, a.stock, a.prioruse, a.units,
a.qtyperunit, a.priorusebatch;

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assemblycanbuild AS
 SELECT assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.assembliesbatchid,
            WHEN min(
                WHEN (assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double
precision - assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse -
assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.quantity::double precision) >=
0::double precision THEN 100000000::double precision
COALESCE(assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.qtyperunit, 0::double
precision) = 0::double precision OR
(assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision -
assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse) < 0::double precision THEN
0::double precision
trunc((assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision -
assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse) /
            END) = 100000000::double precision THEN 'All'::character varying
            ELSE min(
COALESCE(assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.qtyperunit, 0::double
precision) = 0::double precision OR
(assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision -
assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse) < 0::double precision THEN
0::double precision
trunc((assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision -
assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse) /
            END)::character varying
        END AS canbuild
   FROM assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected
  WHERE assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.quantity <> 0
  GROUP BY assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.assembliesbatchid;

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