Sim Zacks wrote: > Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz wrote: >> give us postgresql version as well, maybe show query and at least table layout. >> > The queries look like (The one I'm trying to run is the last one, which is based on all the previous ones).: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatch AS SELECT d.assembliesbatchid, d.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, c.ownerid, e.partid, d.units, - e.quantity AS quantity, COALESCE(c.stock, 0::bigint) AS stock, max(b.quantity) AS qtyperunit, a.leadfree FROM assemblies a JOIN assembliesbatch d ON d.assemblyid = a.assemblyid JOIN allocatedassemblies e ON e.assembliesbatchid = d.assembliesbatchid LEFT JOIN partsassembly b ON b.assemblyid = a.assemblyid AND e.partid = b.partid LEFT JOIN stockperowner_lead_ab() c(partid, ownerid, stock, leadstateid) ON c.partid = e.partid AND c.ownerid = 1 AND leadcompcheck_ab(a.leadfree, c.leadstateid) LEFT JOIN stocklog f ON f.refid = d.batchid AND f.transtypeid = 3 AND f.partid = e.partid WHERE (d.assembliesbatchstatusid = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 4, 7])) AND f.commited IS NOT TRUE GROUP BY d.assembliesbatchid, d.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, c.ownerid, e.partid, COALESCE(c.stock, 0::bigint), d.units, e.quantity, a.leadfree; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatchprioruse AS SELECT a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, a.ownerid, a.partid, a.units, a.quantity, a.stock, COALESCE(sum(- b.quantity)::double precision, 0::double precision) AS prioruse, sum( CASE WHEN c.batchid IS NOT NULL THEN - b.quantity ELSE 0 END)::double precision AS priorusebatch, a.qtyperunit, a.leadfree FROM assembliesstockbatch a LEFT JOIN (allocatedassemblies b JOIN assembliesbatch c ON b.assembliesbatchid = c.assembliesbatchid AND (c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 1 OR c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 2 OR c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 4 OR c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 7) JOIN assemblies q ON q.assemblyid = c.assemblyid) ON a.partid = b.partid AND (a.ownerid IS NULL OR a.ownerid = 1) AND a.leadfree = q.leadfree AND (a.duedate > c.duedate OR a.duedate = c.duedate AND a.assembliesbatchid > c.assembliesbatchid) GROUP BY a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, a.ownerid, a.partid, a.quantity, a.stock, a.units, a.qtyperunit, a.leadfree; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected AS SELECT a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, a.ownerid, a.partid, a.units, a.quantity, a.stock, a.prioruse, a.priorusebatch, COALESCE(sum( CASE WHEN COALESCE(e.promisedby::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone, e.requestedby::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone, CASE WHEN e.deliverywks IS NULL THEN f.issuedate ELSE NULL::date END::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone, CASE WHEN e.deliverywks <> -1 THEN (f.issuedate + e.deliverywks * 7)::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone ELSE a.duedate + '1 day'::interval END) <= a.duedate THEN COALESCE(e.quantity, 0) - COALESCE(e.deliveredsum, 0) ELSE NULL::integer END), 0::bigint) AS expectedbefore, a.qtyperunit FROM assembliesstockbatchprioruse a LEFT JOIN (pos f JOIN poparts e ON f.poid = e.poid AND f.postatusid >= 20 AND f.postatusid <= 59 AND f.isrfq = false JOIN manufacturerpartpn g ON g.pnid = e.pnid) ON e.partid = a.partid GROUP BY a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, a.ownerid, a.partid, a.quantity, a.stock, a.prioruse, a.units, a.qtyperunit, a.priorusebatch; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assemblycanbuild AS SELECT assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.assembliesbatchid, CASE WHEN min( CASE WHEN (assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision - assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse - assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.quantity::double precision) >= 0::double precision THEN 100000000::double precision WHEN COALESCE(assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.qtyperunit, 0::double precision) = 0::double precision OR (assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision - assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse) < 0::double precision THEN 0::double precision ELSE trunc((assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision - assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse) / assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.qtyperunit) END) = 100000000::double precision THEN 'All'::character varying ELSE min( CASE WHEN COALESCE(assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.qtyperunit, 0::double precision) = 0::double precision OR (assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision - assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse) < 0::double precision THEN 0::double precision ELSE trunc((assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.stock::double precision - assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.prioruse) / assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.qtyperunit) END)::character varying END AS canbuild FROM assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected WHERE assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.quantity <> 0 GROUP BY assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected.assembliesbatchid; 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