mg>hopefully quick response Hello everybody, I'm Jordi from Spain, I'm new on this mailing list. I hope I could help anybody in the future but now I new some help because I read a lot of documentation but I can't find an answer. I have two questions: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.- Exception throwed by cast('yyyymmdd' as timestamp) I do a cast conversion from a string to a timestamp. When I put a bad date on the string, the cast throw an error on my PL/PGSQL but I can't capture (I'm new). Which type of exception launch the cast function? I put a exception space on my function but I don't know which exception I have ti capture: EXCEPTION WHEN exception_name THEN MG>when VALUE_ERROR THEN MG>DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Cannot convert STRING to DATE'); statements; Which exception _name I have to write on my code? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.- Number of days on February I'm parsing a string with a date with format 'yyyymmdd' for testing if it's a valid date. I need to know if the day is correct for the month on the string, but February is different for every year. How can I know if February have 28 or 29 days depending on the year? MG>select TO_CHAR(DATE_COLUMN,'DD') FROM TABLE; Thanks everybody and hello from a new user ;-) Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out. |