On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Gauthier, Dave <dave.gauthier@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What is the (is there a) grant command that I can use to create a super user without having to specify all the DB objects?
grant all on database foo to thesuper;
grant all privileges on database foo to thesuper;
Don’t work.
I know I can achieve what I want by submitting a grant for each and every object in the DB. But is there a way to do it all with one command, maybe something like...
“grant all privileges on everything to thesuper” ?
There is a '-s' option for createuser that designates the user account as a superuser.
You can use 'alter user' or 'alter role' to give superuser authority to an existing account:
alter user [account name] with superuser;
I think the superuser role applies to all databases.