2009/4/20 ray <Ray.Joseph@xxxxxxxxxxx>
which installer are you using? (please share exact url where you downloaded it)? which version is it? did you remove postgres account after uninstalling? (the installer should create it IIRC)
to build data directory you can use initdb tool.
I have been having troubles getting 8.3 running on Windows XP. My
last couple of attempts have been to install 8.3 in a folder off the
root rather than off of 'Program Files'. Since I ‘uninstalled’ it, I
have not been able to get a good installation. I have tried many
times. I use Control Panels Add&Remove to remove 8.3 and then I go
through the registry and remove any remaining entries tjat address
'postgres'. When I start a new install, it always points to c:
\program files\postg… which I change on the setup page to the new c:
\pghome. I have a leftover environmental variable pgdata which points
to c:\pghome\8.3\data. But this folder never gets built anymore.
That is, there is not data folder.
Any ideas on how I can get this built?
I am installing this from an administrator account and I have a
postgres account that is a power user. I have tried but can not
install from that account. The PostgreSQL notes say that it is no
longer necessary to operate from a non-administrator account so I
tried to do things from the admin account and when it doesn’t work, I
try it from the postgres power user account. So far, neither have
worked. But I am guessing that is due to the no ‘data’ folder.
which installer are you using? (please share exact url where you downloaded it)? which version is it? did you remove postgres account after uninstalling? (the installer should create it IIRC)
to build data directory you can use initdb tool.
Filip Rembiałkowski