Le 30/03/09 05:39, Osvaldo Kussama a écrit :
2009/3/29 Bruno Baguette <bruno.baguette@xxxxxxxxx>:
I would like to do a SELECT of that table, but by splitting by 24h day :
bdteste=# \set ini '\'2009-03-30 14:50\'::timestamp'
bdteste=# \set fim '\'2009-04-01 19:00\'::timestamp'
bdteste=# SELECT CASE WHEN (:ini)::date + s.a = (:ini)::date THEN :ini
bdteste-# ELSE (:ini)::date+s.a*'1 day'::interval
bdteste-# END AS "Inicio",
bdteste-# CASE WHEN (:ini)::date + s.a < (:fim)::date THEN
((:ini)::date+(s.a+1)*'1 day'::interval)-'1 second'::interval
bdteste-# ELSE :fim
bdteste-# END AS "Fim"
bdteste-# FROM generate_series(0, extract(day from (:fim -
:ini))::int) as s(a);
Inicio | Fim
2009-03-30 14:50:00 | 2009-03-30 23:59:59
2009-03-31 00:00:00 | 2009-03-31 23:59:59
2009-04-01 00:00:00 | 2009-04-01 19:00:00
(3 registros)
Really nice !
I under-estimasted the power of the generate_series() function and I
didn't thought using that function with date manipulation.
The calendar suggest of Artacus is also interesting but it needs to be
be regularly populated.
Bruno Baguette
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