Hi Mauro, Not possible in PostgreSQL. However, you can use dblink for creating query between multidatabase as given below: select empno from dblink('dbname=edb','SELECT empno from emp') as emp(empno numeric) union select empno from dblink('dbname=enterprisedb','SELECT empno from emp') as emp(empno numeric); where edb and enterprisedb are database names For More information about dblink, please follow the link given below: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/dblink.html http://www.enterprisedb.com/docs/en/8.3/oracompat/EnterpriseDB_OraCompat_EN_8.3-49.htm Regards, Vibhor Kumar www.enterprisedb.com Mauro Bertoli wrote: Hi all, is possible in PostgreSQL to create query between multidatabase like Sql Server 2005? An example: SELECT db1.a.id FROM db1.a UNION db2.b.id FROM db2.b Where "db1" is a database and "db2" is another database. "a" is a table in database "db1" and "b" is a table in database "db2" Best regards, Mauro |