I serve a Geospatial IS project that for some years has used PostgreSQL
and PostGIS. A strategy/scheme that has worked for all previous
versions has failed with a recent upgrade to 8.3 (e.g. 8.3.6-1).
Relation "catalog" is a large geospatially-enabled aggregation of data
with a variety of SRID's imbedded within "the_geom" attribute values.
Querying a view into the "catalog" which describes a subset of it's
tuples with identical SRID's (the uniqueness of the SRID associated with
this view's data is easily demonstrable with an ad-hoc query) has always
worked smoothly. With the 8.3 engine, an error is introduced:
SELECT "whatever"
FROM "a view into 'catalog'"
WHERE ((TRUE AND TRUE) AND "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON
((-83.28 26.07,
-83.28 28.26,
-81.59 28.26,
-81.59 26.07,
-83.28 26.07))', -1))
results in this error:
"Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs"
The result of the GeometryFromText routine has, of course, but one SRID,
thus the SRID from "the_geom" must be the culprit. It's as if the
query is considering tuples in "catalog" outside of the view's domain.
(note: I can offer further evidence of this behavior- removing all tuples
from "catalog" other than those returned by a query against the view
eliminates the conflict/error).
Can someone comment on this mystery/phenomenon vis-a-vis PostgreSQL
version 8.3 (PostGIS 1.3.5)?
Many thanks,
Christopher Smith
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