On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Greg Sabino Mullane <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hash: RIPEMD160
> I'm trying to use Perl's DBD::Pg module to import a file as a large object.
> For this I'm using the following:
> my $oid = $dbh->func( "/absolute/path/to/file", 'lo_import' );
Works fine for me. What version of DBD::Pg are you using? Try something
recent if you are using something old. You can also set the trace
level to see what's going on behind the scenes:
Actually, after much trial and error I figured out the problem: the handle I was using had AutoCommit set. I'm new to the lo_* functions, and not aware of this issue. A mention of this in the DBD::Pg docs would be very helpful to LO noobs like me.