Well, I should have been more specific and not use such a
simplified example, which only lead you into wrong direction. What I am
really tried to solve instead of UPDATE myFirstTable SET (fistCol, secCol) = ( SELECT anotherFistCol, anotherSecondCol FROM mySecondTable )
is this: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UPDATE limit_breach lb SET (max_breach, limit_value) = (( SELECT ABS(ov.outright_volume) - NVL(ov.hedge_limit,0), hedge_limit FROM ( outrightvolume_breach ) ov WHERE ov.hedging_desk=lb.hedging_desk AND ov.idmarket = lb.idmarket AND ov.symbol = lb.symbol AND ov.limit_name = lb.limit_name AND lb.breach_end IS NULL )) WHERE lb.breach_end IS NULL AND (lb.hedging_desk, lb.idmarket, lb.symbol, lb.limit_name) IN ( SELECT hedging_desk, idmarket, symbol, limit_name FROM ( outrightvolume_breach ) ov WHERE (ABS(ov.outright_volume) - NVL(ov.hedge_limit,0)) > lb.max_breach ) ;
Do you think there might be a way how to solve this not
leading into splitting the update into two separate update statements for each
of the two columns (max_breach, limit_value) ? Adam